Welcome to Elysian Fields, the Definitive Spuffy Fanwork Archive!

We are the home of 1,050 authors from among our 29,894 members. There are 473,217 comments on our 7,684 stories, which consist of 160,327,966 words. A special welcome to our newest member, mydogandy.

There are currently 48 members and 38 guests lurking standing about.

Messages to EF from James Marsters

Author of the Month: Maxine Eden has published 68 stories at Elysian Fields since joining on October 18, 2023.

Commenter of the Month: Kenijo has written 1,528 comments at Elysian Fields since joining on December 14, 2020.

Artist of the Month: honeygirl51885 is our current artist of the month.

Finishing Months: 20 members have met the requirements for the Finishing Months Creators Challenge. 36 members have met the requirements for the Finishing Months Comment Challenge.

Commenting Stars: 60 members have met the requirements to be an All Star Commenter this month.

Can't Go Back the Same Way You Came by Wonder and Ashes PG-13
Buffy comes back from Heaven a changed woman – in more ways than one...
Damage Control by talesofstories PG-13
After learning from Angel's team that there's a Slayer in LA who broke out of...
All I Have is What I Know by tragic NC-17
Suddenly thrust back into her body after five long months, Buffy has no memory...
Call Home by MillennialCryBaby PG
When Buffy picks up a call from Angel, she's braced for an apocalypse. But instead...
Oddments of Bygone Times by OffYourBird NC-17
Spike's sacrifice in the Hellmouth went off without a hitch... Except that the...
Hell Hath No Fury by the_big_bad PG-13
Final chapters being posted March 2025!! Two former enemies decide to team...
Troubling Deaf Heaven by JuneCurry R
Continuation after the series. Knowledge of the series is a must. This is a...
Fun During the Apocalypse by DarkVoid116 R
After Robin Wood and Giles' attempt on Spike fails, Buffy and Spike feel the...
Where We Went From There by Pyewacket NC-17
This work is on going and basically follows where I think BtVS &Angel left...
Try Not to Think About What Might Have Been by Willow25 R
When Cordelia makes her wish to Anyanka, she's urged in another direction...
Random Story
Echoes in Stardust by DauntlessGrace PG-13
A response to a challenge by Mia Vaan. What if those three little words had...
MrsBigPileofDust (3/31 03:42pm): Hi everyone! I’m looking for a story that Spike is teaching night classes at the college because he wants to help Buffy, but I can’t find it
EllieRose101 (3/31 01:45pm): News Post: Final Details about April Challenge Month 2025 https://dark-solace.org/...d=303
pfeifferpack (3/31 03:33am): Tech problems should be sent to the site email. So far nothing I've dl'd has not had a problem but our tech team can see about your individual problem.
iwillbeyourgoal (3/30 11:10pm): hello friends!! is the epub downloading option not working for anyone else?
LexiR (3/30 10:34pm): That's it! Thank you so much!!
temporarytitle (3/30 10:05pm): @LexiR, are you thinking of the broken gates of kingdom come by disco-tea? https://dark-solace.org/...=8094
LexiR (3/30 10:00pm): I’ve read so many spuffy fics lately (hyperfixation time!) I’m really not sure if these are the same story or not, or any of the other plot points. Hoping someone can help! I just can’t find it and it’s driving me crazy.
LexiR (3/30 10:00pm): Might be the same story as where the trio rebuild the Buffybot in s6 but she gains sentience or something and renames herself (I wanna say Zoe maybe?), and Andrew helps her escape?
LexiR (3/30 10:00pm): Hi Guys, i’m looking for a fic that I honestly can't remember much about, i think it's season 6, and at one point in the story warren dies when he gets hit by I think a bus? And there’s a scene of Andrew and Jonathan at his funeral I think.
Hannora (3/30 01:39pm): @Ted: Thank you so much this is the one! kiss
Ted (3/30 12:34pm): @Hannora https://www.dark-solace.org/...=4641
Hannora (3/30 11:29am): Hi everyone, in order to help, I'm looking for a S6 or S7 fic. The council is the main big bad in the form of a male social worker who is replaced by a golem. There might have been cameras to spy on Buffy involved too. There's a big battle at the Hyperion with the L.A. team against multiple golems.
pfeifferpack (3/30 03:39am): partyHappy birthday to purrfectioncatz, annav, & leetah321! Wishing you the bests birthday ever with each love returned, gift wanted and memory perfect. May this year bring you all you need, what you desire in reach and blessings to last forever.
All4Spike (3/29 07:37am): You guys are really taking this finishing month end-date seriously, aren't you? So many updates! yay
pfeifferpack (3/29 04:20am): party Happy birthday to babylove969 & Westsidewonderland!Hoping you are well loved and gifted on your day with nothing but joy and great memories to treasure. May you have a year with all needs met, dreams in reach & efforts rewarded. Be well blessed.
maarella (3/28 05:57pm): Never mind. It's under Members. It has been a long day
maarella (3/28 05:11pm): Did we lose the Author option to search? I often will go look up an author-and sometimes don't have
the name exactly right to search that way-but I'm not seeing an Author listing anymore? Am I missing it somewhere?

Geliot99 (3/28 12:18pm): we're here for you killjoy!! hope you're back on your feet soon!
the_big_bad (3/28 09:25am): So sorry to hear that killjoy! I hope you heal quickly. At least there’s lots of great fic to read!!
pfeifferpack (3/28 06:07am): party Happy birthday to Miss Kitty & to Rkf22!May your fondest wishes come true, you truest loves be returned & each memory be cherished. May you have a year with love, joy, success, laughter & blessings daily.
pfeifferpack (3/27 01:29am): partyHappy birthday to jewelram! May each need be met, each love returned, each gift be desired and may you cherish each memory. May this year bring joy, love, laughter and success daily. Be blessed.
killjoy (3/26 10:57pm): You never understand how bored you can be until you have to take a month off from work for surgery...and there's nothing you can do but stay at home. I can't even go do anything but stay in bed or the sofa. Tv watching is boring after a bit lol
pfeifferpack (3/26 01:54am): partyHappy birthday to Rlc1990, dixie326, & onlythewinds! May the day be filled with endless love, perfect gifts and cherished memories. May this year bring joy, love, laughter, and daily blessings.
EllieRose101 (3/25 08:38pm): Thank you @pfeifferpack and @Holly! (And sorry for the late reply!)
pfeifferpack (3/25 02:41am): partyHappy birthday to Vix! May you be well celebrated by those who truly love you today, gifted well & have a day of joy. May this year continue the joy with needs met, love returned and daily blessings.

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Site Time: March 31, 05:05pm (-04:00 GMT)
Final Details about April Challenge Month 2025

April Challenge Month is just around the corner once more, so here are all the details you need to get ready.

But first, here are the awards you can win!

What was the theme again?

Unlike most of our other events, our April event does not have a unifying theme as such. If you missed the announcement, you can read it here, but the general sitch is that participating members should select a challenge (found here) and then create a work (fic or art) that answers said challenge.

Simple, right?


--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 31, 2025 01:33pm 0 Comments
Finishing Months Reminder

As Finishing Months gear up to, well… finish, your friendly neighbourhood Event Mod is here with a couple of reminders. 

Eligible works should be marked as complete by midnight site time on the 31st of March. Site time, as always, can be found under the Shoutbox on the Elysian Fields homepage. (Note: clocks in the US already jumped ahead an hour for Daylight Saving Time, so it is extra important to check the Shoutbox if you’re not sure!) You mark a work as complete by clicking edit, ticking the relevant checkbox, and then clicking save.

If any artwork (including new story banners) has been added to your eligible works during Finishing Months, don’t forget to fill in the Google Form (linked here) to make sure the artist gets the artist award...

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 19, 2025 10:51pm 0 Comments
Event Announcement: April Challenge Month 2025

It’s almost that time of year again!

For the month of April, EF will once again be running our Challenge Month event. Your task––should you choose to accept it––is to respond to challenges issued to our site by your fellow members (see here). You don’t have to complete the fic or art by the end of the month, just post the first installment between midnight on April 1st and 23.59 on April 30th (site time). 

You can respond to as many challenges or as few as you want––so long as you didn’t issue them yourself! 

If you find a challenge that mostly speaks to you but you would like to change an element of it, we recommend that you contact the person who issued said challenge and ask for their permission/blessing.

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 06, 2025 09:12pm 0 Comments