Real Name: Annie
Location: Japan
Last Active: February 11, 2025
Membership Status: Member
Skin: every night
I watched BTVS religiously on TV and frequently had all-weekend Buffy DVD marathons in high school. I liked Spike at the time and was sad to see him go, but sadly, I went to college when Buffy did, and not having a TV, I never got to see S04 and OMG the hotness that is Spike! So now I'm re-re-re-watching and I'm obsessed with Spike and Buffy's epic enemy-to-lovers story. I can neither accept the basking-kissing-cookie-conversation debacle, nor the "I love you!" "No, you don't, but thanks for sayin' it," business, so here I am devouring fanfiction. Everyone here is so talented; you make my Spuffy heart happy. Thank you! You're bloody brilliant! ♥ I binge-read and don't comment much, but I'm trying to slow down and type the love.
I'd like to start writing some fics, but I've never even attempted it, so I'm interested in doing beta work to get the hang of how you awesome authors make the magic happen. Feel free to email me directly if you'd like something checked. I teach grammar (ESL) for a living, so I'll do my best to whip your stories into grammatically correct shapely-ness while still preserving Buffy-isms and Spikey snark.