Artists: cd85
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Ensemble
Genres: Drama, Fix-It, HEA/HFN, Kidnapping, Prophecy, Resurrection, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 6
Word count: 22,393 Hit Count: 2,152 ePub Downloads: 26
Published: May 27, 2024 Updated: July 12, 2024
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Notes: This story is a crossover with the show Numb3rs. Bata: by myself and Grammarly. If you find any annoying errors please let me know. I will fix it.
This story is a major rewrite of a non-Spuffy story.
1. Chapter 1 Make The Call by Joan963z - Likes: 11 Comments: 7 Word Count: 2,711 Hit Count: 768 Published: May 27, 2024
Notes: Chapter 1 of this story starts in February 2004. Some astrologers say the Age of Aquarius began in 2012.
2. Chapter 2 by Joan963z - Likes: 9 Comments: 7 Word Count: 5,768 Hit Count: 334 Published: June 03, 2024
Notes:The Pratt house was a gentlemen's club in London, England, that catered to royalty. It was established in 1857, with premises in a house in Park Place, off St James's Street, and close to the Ritz. The building is heritage-listed
3. Chapter 3 by Joan963z - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 3,562 Hit Count: 286 Published: June 10, 2024
Notes: “You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is.” Will Rogers
4. Chapter 4 by Joan963z - Likes: 14 Comments: 8 Word Count: 3,243 Hit Count: 272 Published: June 17, 2024
I know nothing about Cleveland except it is located in Ohio on Lake Erie. It does have an international airport. I looked up the name for the story. Everything else, the address of the school, street names, is made up.
5. Chapter 5 by Joan963z - Likes: 8 Comments: 4 Word Count: 3,227 Hit Count: 312 Published: June 28, 2024
I know some readers never watched Angel the series. So I had Wesley explain everything so they would understand why the story came to this point.
For those who did watch Angel I changed things up a bit. (Cordelia ascended and did not return. There is no Jasmine. Gunn went back to his crew in L.A. after he lost his lawyer abilities, due to not signing for Illeria’s sarcophagus to get out of customs.)
6. Chapter 6 by Joan963z - Likes: 13 Comments: 9 Word Count: 3,882 Hit Count: 180 Published: July 12, 2024
Review: Xander was kidnapped by a Mantis Demon as a baby, and given to the Harrises until she returned for him. Buffy killed the Mantis demon when she returned. One of Xander's biological brothers, Don, is an FBI agent and used his expertise to find Xander. Xander’s biological father, Alan. is an architect and has agreed to oversee the refurbishing of the new slayer school.
Angel’s son, Connor, is back from Quor’Toth but a demon cult wants to use his blood to make an army of unkillable daywalkers and bring about an apocalypse. Angel has left Connor with Buffy and Spike and gone through a portal in an attempt to lead the cult away from Connor.
The Scoobies are trying to find a way to stop the cult.
Note: Fred has no magic ability. She uses a mathematical algorithm to manipulate energy harmonics and open portals.