Summary: In the sequel to Collide, there are unexpected consequences to the ritual Buffy did to break the curse on Spike, Dawn is trying to figure out what it means to be the Key, and Willow is coming home. And that's just the beginning.
Winner for Best Original Character (Bracken) at Love's Last Glimpse Round 19.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 6, Award Winners
Characters: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 20
Word count: 71,029 Hit Count: 34,915 ePub Downloads: 283
Published: November 19, 2006 Updated: July 18, 2015

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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1. Chapter 1: Keys by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 6 Comments: 6 Word Count: 3,197 Hit Count: 3,456

Rating: PG-15

Archive: If you already have my stuff. If not, just ask.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own these characters. If I did, they would all be living happily ever after by now.

2. Chapter 2: Discoveries by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 7 Comments: 5 Word Count: 3,556 Hit Count: 1,954

3. Chapter 3: Decisions by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 7 Comments: 4 Word Count: 3,859 Hit Count: 2,072

4. Chapter 4: Coming Home by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 9 Comments: 8 Word Count: 3,365 Hit Count: 1,986

5. Chapter 5 Forgiveness and Stuff by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 6 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,399 Hit Count: 1,902 Published: July 18, 2015

6. Chapter 6 Lessons by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 3,573 Hit Count: 1,960 Published: July 18, 2015

7. Chapter 7 Through the Grapevine by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 6 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,442 Hit Count: 1,591 Published: July 18, 2015

8. Chapter 8 Pressure by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,406 Hit Count: 1,614 Published: July 18, 2015

9. Chapter 9 Hunters by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 7 Comments: 3 Word Count: 3,607 Hit Count: 1,609 Published: July 18, 2015

10. Chapter 10 Another World by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 4 Comments: 3 Word Count: 3,256 Hit Count: 1,563 Published: July 18, 2015

11. Chapter 11 Out of the Frying Pan by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,266 Hit Count: 1,508 Published: July 18, 2015

12. Chapter 12 No Place Like Home by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 6 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,817 Hit Count: 1,569 Published: July 18, 2015

13. Chapter 13 Eye of the Storm by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 1 Word Count: 3,562 Hit Count: 1,592 Published: July 18, 2015

14. Chapter 14 Council Business by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,586 Hit Count: 1,525 Published: July 18, 2015

15. Chapter 15 Limitations by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 4 Comments: 3 Word Count: 3,226 Hit Count: 1,548 Published: July 18, 2015

16. Chapter 16 A Hostage to Fortune by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 6 Comments: 3 Word Count: 3,513 Hit Count: 1,544 Published: July 18, 2015

17. Chapter 17 Preparations by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,660 Hit Count: 1,424 Published: July 18, 2015

18. Chapter 18 A Time to Kill by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,555 Hit Count: 1,426 Published: July 18, 2015

19. Chapter 19 Anxiety by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 5 Comments: 2 Word Count: 3,912 Hit Count: 1,428 Published: July 18, 2015

20. Chapter 20 Facing the Future by Enigmaticblue - Likes: 13 Comments: 8 Word Count: 4,272 Hit Count: 1,643 Published: July 18, 2015