Past Featured Story
Summary: Willow is just fed up with the way Buffy and Spike act around each other. What are they, five?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: alittlemoretime, the_big_bad
Artists: HappyWhenItRains, Irandamay
Categories: Season 4, Alternate Reality, Episode Rewrite, Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Riley Finn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fluffy/Comedy, HEA/HFN, Humor, Lighthearted
Warnings: None
Event: Mystery Ficathon 2022
Completed: Yes Chapters: 5
Word count: 45,478 Hit Count: 8,689 ePub Downloads: 218
Published: July 01, 2022 Updated: August 02, 2022

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Story Notes: Thanks to the_big_bad for her awesome beta work as well as alittlemoretime, and to irandamay for the amazing, I can’t get enough of it banner! I MEAN JUST LOOK AT IT! Also thank you to HappyWhenItRains for her beautiful art.
I own nothing, not Spuffy nor Blue’s Clues nor anything else except a crazy idea.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Chapter 1 It's Another Blue's Clues Day by cawthraven - Likes: 70 Comments: 43 Word Count: 7,052 Hit Count: 2,987 Published: July 01, 2022

If I've ever seen an episode of Blue's Clues all the way through it was a long long time ago and my brother canceled his Paramount Plus subscription so we'll see what I can find on YouTube. But I thought of the title and it had to become a story. It just had to.

I own nothing, not Spuffy nor Blue’s Clues nor anything else except a crazy idea.

2. Chapter 2 We Are Looking for Blue's Clues by cawthraven - Likes: 59 Comments: 28 Word Count: 6,229 Hit Count: 1,439 Published: July 10, 2022

Thanks again to my beta the_big_bad for helping me unsnarl some confusing bits!

I realized while writing this chapter that I accidentally referred to the chip a couple times when, in canon, the first use of the word "chip is in "Who Are You?" and I can't actually figure out when they find out it's a computer chip; Walsh tells Buffy about "behavior modification" in "The I in Team" but doesn't reference the chip then. Anyway, they still think it's a spell or something as of Something Blue so I've edited Ch 1 to remove the references.

Enjoy! (Some dialogue from Something Blue.)

I own nothing, not Spuffy nor Blue’s Clues nor anything else except a crazy idea.

3. Chapter 3 We Just Got a Letter, I Wonder Who It's From? by cawthraven - Likes: 57 Comments: 26 Word Count: 8,556 Hit Count: 1,397 Published: July 20, 2022

Whee! Chapter 3! Thanks to the_big_bad and alittlemoretime for betaing this one!

There is some dialogue from "Something Blue."

I own nothing, not Spuffy nor Blue’s Clues nor anything else except a crazy idea.

4. Chapter 4 Well We Sit Down in Our Thinking Chair And Think, Think, Think by cawthraven - Likes: 62 Comments: 31 Word Count: 9,527 Hit Count: 1,402 Published: July 27, 2022

Thanks as always to my lovely beta, the_big_bad!

Some dialogue from "Something Blue."

I own nothing, not Spuffy nor Blue’s Clues nor anything else except a crazy idea.

5. Chapter 5 We Just Figured Out Blue's Clues Because We're Really Smart! by cawthraven - Likes: 84 Comments: 51 Word Count: 14,114 Hit Count: 1,464 Published: August 02, 2022

Thanks again to the_big_bad for all her hard work on this fic, and especially this monster of a chapter. (Like wow I should have broken the chapters up differently because we had a lot to wrap up but I think I got it all so PHEW.) Also special thanks to commenters talesofstories and pfeifferpack for some ideas in their Chapter 4 comments that I think really helped me shape this/made sure I didn't forget some stuff I should have included. :D