Artists: None
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Joyce, Spike, Xander
Genres: Drama, Fix-It, HEA/HFN, Romance, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language
Challenges: Growing pains (title super optional)
Event: April Challenge 2022
Completed: Yes Chapters: 6
Word count: 34,255 Hit Count: 6,359 ePub Downloads: 113
Published: April 06, 2022 Updated: May 09, 2022
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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I am only keeping the fandom alive in our hearts
1. Chapter 1 by Joan963z - Likes: 18 Comments: 14 Word Count: 5,332 Hit Count: 1,944 Published: April 06, 2022
2. Chapter 2 by Joan963z - Likes: 18 Comments: 12 Word Count: 6,287 Hit Count: 964 Published: April 12, 2022
Sorry for the double posting on chapter 1. I don't know how it happened, but it is all fixed now.
This story was not intended to be a crossover, but as many authors know sometimes a story just goes where it wants to go.
I hope you like it.
Again, much thanks to my beta Lnw86
3. Chapter 3 by Joan963z - Likes: 18 Comments: 11 Word Count: 4,561 Hit Count: 896 Published: April 19, 2022
4. Chapter 4 by Joan963z - Likes: 18 Comments: 14 Word Count: 6,093 Hit Count: 838 Published: April 26, 2022
Bits and pieces of dialogue are from various episodes of season five and perhaps other seasons.
As always, a huge thank you to my beta Lnw86
5. Chapter 5 by Joan963z - Likes: 17 Comments: 11 Word Count: 4,639 Hit Count: 870 Published: May 03, 2022
Some dialog is taken from various episodes of season 5 or perhaps from other seasons.
6. Chapter 6 by Joan963z - Likes: 26 Comments: 13 Word Count: 7,343 Hit Count: 847 Published: May 09, 2022
This is the last chapter, and it has been fun to write. I wanted to get this finished before the end of April, but as usual the story had a mind of its own, nine days late isn't too bad.
Many thanks once again to Honeygirl51885 for the beautiful banner and congratulations on the birth of her daughter.
To my betas, Lnw86 who also helped with encouragement and suggestion for the story, and to Kittyfantastico, many thanks to both of you.