Summary: “You’re supposed to be dead!” Buffy screamed at Spike. “How could you let me think you were dead?”
Assumes familiarity with seasons six and seven

Artists: nmcil
Series: "Down in the Dark"
Categories: Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Clem
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fighting
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Violence
Event: Reunion Challenge 2017
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 7,056 Hit Count: 3,703 ePub Downloads: 127
Published: October 24, 2017 Updated: October 24, 2017
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Categories: Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Clem
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fighting
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Violence
Event: Reunion Challenge 2017
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 7,056 Hit Count: 3,703 ePub Downloads: 127
Published: October 24, 2017 Updated: October 24, 2017
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Story Notes: Story took me forever. This is based on a dream I had after my late husband died (for real). Fortunately, dreams can't get bruised when you're beating them up in the anger stage.
Betaed by ZabJade and Bewildered, thanks for reading and rereading and beating me over the head with "Just post the thing already!"
Thanks to nmcil for the beautiful banners, I had a hard time choosing my favorite. Here's a bonus, because I love the Buffy-Biting-Spike image.
Betaed by ZabJade and Bewildered, thanks for reading and rereading and beating me over the head with "Just post the thing already!"
Thanks to nmcil for the beautiful banners, I had a hard time choosing my favorite. Here's a bonus, because I love the Buffy-Biting-Spike image.

1. Promises, Promises by Sigyn - Likes: 76 Comments: 44 Word Count: 7,056 Hit Count: 3,703 Published: October 24, 2017