Artists: None
Characters: Angelus, Buffy, Darla, Drusilla, Spike
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Blood Play, Character Death, Torture (Physical)
Completed: Yes Chapters: 17
Word count: 94,924 Hit Count: 55,702 ePub Downloads: 616
Published: May 25, 2016 Updated: August 08, 2016
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1. Prologue by Autumn2005 - Likes: 37 Comments: 24 Word Count: 2,462 Hit Count: 7,706 Published: May 25, 2016
Welcome to my new story! I hope you enjoy it! The story is completed, I intend to post weekly.
Warning, dark material in this section, including torture, and implied rape. It's only in this chapter, the rest of the story is not nearly so dark!
Many thanks to my awesome betas, All4Spike and sunalso! If you think this story is good at all, it's because of them!
2. Chapter 1 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 38 Comments: 23 Word Count: 6,816 Hit Count: 3,533 Published: June 01, 2016
Thanks for your reviews!
Another warning for this chapter, still a bit graphic, though in different ways from the prologue.
Many thanks to my awesome betas, All4Spike and Sunalso!
3. Chapter 2 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 41 Comments: 23 Word Count: 5,064 Hit Count: 3,183 Published: June 08, 2016
LOL!!! I accidentally added this chapter to the wrong story. Sorry everyone if you saw the update to More than a Crush and got really confused...
I think I got it all straightened out now!
As always, thanks for your reviews!
Here's the first time we get Spike's thoughts on everything!
Big shout out to my lovely betas, All4Spike and Sunalso!
4. Chapter 3 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 34 Comments: 19 Word Count: 5,371 Hit Count: 2,972 Published: June 15, 2016
Thank you everyone for leaving such kind reviews!
Thanks to my awesome betas All4Spike and Sunalso!
5. Chapter 4 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 38 Comments: 30 Word Count: 5,596 Hit Count: 2,986 Published: June 21, 2016
A slightly early gift for everyone because of your lovely reviews! Great news everyone, I'm working on the last chapter with my beta now, so I'll start posting more frequently, probably twice a week!
For everyone wondering if there's anything left of Spike, I think this chapter answers your question...
Beta'd by the bestest All4Spike and Sunalso!
6. Chapter 5 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 38 Comments: 27 Word Count: 5,874 Hit Count: 3,061 Published: June 25, 2016
Thanks everyone for your reviews!
As a polite reminder, if you kill me, you won't get the rest of this story, or any other Spuffy stories I might write!
Beta'd by All4Spike and Sunsalso
7. Chapter 6 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 32 Comments: 17 Word Count: 5,677 Hit Count: 2,978 Published: June 29, 2016
This story got a lovely blue ribbon next to it...
Thanks everyone for sticking with me through the cliffhanger of last chapter. I'd like to assure you that will be only cliffie in this story... but I'd be lying!
I'm also hoping to explain Giles' actions here a little more and partly redeem him.
As for Spike, he's a little more resilient than everyone thought!
Beta'd by All4Spike and Sunalso!
8. Chapter 7 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 39 Comments: 20 Word Count: 5,096 Hit Count: 2,910 Published: July 03, 2016
Thanks for your comments! I had no idea that Giles would cause such a big reaction! I hope you'll like this chapter, we get a little more kissage, and we get to see what Spike does about knowing his old nest is back and making trouble.
Many thanks to All4Spike and Sunalso for their awesome beta work!
9. Chapter 8 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 40 Comments: 30 Word Count: 5,688 Hit Count: 3,019 Published: July 07, 2016
Thanks everyone for your reviews! For this chapter, I have this really strong urge to run for cover...
Beta'd by All4Spike and Sunalso!
10. Chapter 9 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 34 Comments: 18 Word Count: 5,597 Hit Count: 2,842 Published: July 11, 2016
Thanks everyone for your reviews! I know last chapter was hard for Bill lovers and I don't promise this chapter will be much better!
Beta'd by All4Spike and Sunalso!
11. Chapter 10 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 37 Comments: 22 Word Count: 5,305 Hit Count: 2,824 Published: July 15, 2016
Thanks for your reviews! It really does get a tickle to read and respond to them! In this chapter, Spike finally has an epiphany.
Thanks for the great beta work by All4Spike and Sunalso!
12. Chapter 11 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 43 Comments: 30 Word Count: 5,501 Hit Count: 2,817 Published: July 19, 2016
So... I totally forgot that I was supposed to post a new chapter this morning! Enjoy your afternoon treat instead! Thanks for your reviews, it's always helpful to see what you guys think of the story. In this chapter, Spike faces the consequences of meeting up with his old nest again.
Thanks for All4Spike and Sunalso for their beta work!
Next chapter Saturday!
13. Chapter 12 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 41 Comments: 26 Word Count: 6,238 Hit Count: 2,821 Published: July 23, 2016
Thanks for all your reviews! In this chapter, Buffy and Spike talk, and Angelus enacts his revenge.
Next post Wednesday!
Beta'd by All4Spike and Sunalso
14. Chapter 13 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 39 Comments: 24 Word Count: 5,952 Hit Count: 2,901 Published: July 27, 2016
Thanks for your reviews! It was great to hear your reactions to the claim and what your guesses about Spike's secret is. In this chapter, Spike's secret is revealed, and the Scoobies find out.
Next post Sunday!
Thanks to All4Spike and Sunalso for being awesome betas!
15. Chapter 14 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 34 Comments: 18 Word Count: 6,059 Hit Count: 2,919 Published: July 31, 2016
Thanks everyone for your reviews! In this chapter we see the second part of how the Scoobies react to Spike, and a return to cannon. I hope you like it!
Next post Thursday!
Many thanks to All4Spike and Sunalso for their beta work on this story!
16. Chapter 15 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 35 Comments: 16 Word Count: 6,287 Hit Count: 2,949 Published: August 04, 2016
Hi everyone! Penultimate chapter here! Thanks for all your reviews and likes! It's been a great journey, thanks for sticking with me all the way through it!
Last post Monday!
Thanks for All4Spike and Sunalso for their great beta work!
17. Chapter 16 by Autumn2005 - Likes: 87 Comments: 46 Word Count: 6,341 Hit Count: 3,280 Published: August 08, 2016
Last chapter today! I'm so sad that it's ending, but it's been a great journey with everyone!
Many thanks to Pfeifferpack for the new banner on the story, I'm so excited to have one, I've never had a banner for a story before!
Lastly, a huge thanks to All4Spike and Sunalso for their amazing work as my betas. Thanks ladies!