Summary: Willow has always been terrible at lying, but she never thought it could put the fate of the world at risk. Now, thrown ten years back into her own past, that's exactly what might happen if she can't keep schtum about certain... developments. Only problem is, it's just so long ago. How is she supposed to remember what happened when? Not to mention the temptation to just... make... a few... little... tweaks...
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 2, Post-Series, Time Travel
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Spike, Willow
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluffy/Comedy, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other (Temp), Spike/Other (Temp)
Completed: No Chapters: 13
Word count: 7,506 Hit Count: 12,237 ePub Downloads: 67
Published: December 09, 2015 Updated: January 13, 2016

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: This is the last of my offerings from the sb_fag_ends Halloween challenge, back in October. I ended up using multiple prompts to tell one continuous story, hence the short chapters (the community rules state that each prompt fill must be less than 1,000 words). I have no plan with this one – nothing plotted, no arcs, and no clue! I just jumped in and went where the prompts took me! I imagine I’ll continue to add to it, probably as my little fag_ends side-project, but if you have ideas or prompts for future parts, feel free to hurl them at me :D
[Apologies to anyone waiting for the next part of Ewer of Enheduanna, or anything else for that matter - I've been so sick the last few weeks I just can't deal with sexytimes D:]
Many thanks to Bewildered for the beta <3
Disclaimer: written for love, not money.

1. Chapter 1 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 19 Comments: 22 Word Count: 316 Hit Count: 1,413 Published: December 09, 2015

Prompt: To Switch a Witch (AU)

2. Chapter 2 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 13 Comments: 12 Word Count: 711 Hit Count: 949 Published: December 09, 2015

Prompt: To Switch a Witch (angst)

3. Chapter 3 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 14 Comments: 11 Word Count: 562 Hit Count: 931 Published: December 09, 2015

Prompt: The Night Ghoul of the Wonderworld (comedy)

4. Chapter 4 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 12 Comments: 12 Word Count: 560 Hit Count: 920 Published: December 09, 2015

Prompt: Nowhere to Hyde (AU)

5. Chapter 5 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 12 Comments: 10 Word Count: 501 Hit Count: 984 Published: December 09, 2015

Prompt: Scoo-Be or Not Scoo-Be? (AU)

6. Chapter 6 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 27 Comments: 24 Word Count: 794 Hit Count: 1,043 Published: December 09, 2015

Prompt: The Sorcerer's a Menace (fluff)

7. Chapter 7 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 16 Comments: 16 Word Count: 160 Hit Count: 924 Published: December 10, 2015

Prompt: Never Ape an Ape Man (AU)

Two more chapters today, and that's all I have for now. Feel free to keep throwing me prompts :)

8. Chapter 8 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 25 Comments: 23 Word Count: 646 Hit Count: 1,020 Published: December 10, 2015

Prompt: The Harum Scarum Sanitarium (angst)

9. Chapter 9 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 13 Comments: 7 Word Count: 782 Hit Count: 800 Published: January 13, 2016

A few more chapters for you this evening, mostly from a tumblr prompts challenge thing, though this first one was completely of my own volition ;) Many thanks to Bewildered for the beta.

10. Chapter 10 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 11 Comments: 7 Word Count: 838 Hit Count: 792 Published: January 13, 2016

Prompt: Spike & A Moment’s Respite

11. Chapter 11 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 13 Comments: 7 Word Count: 756 Hit Count: 753 Published: January 13, 2016

Prompt: Buffy & Subtle Kindnesses

12. Chapter 12 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 11 Comments: 6 Word Count: 271 Hit Count: 792 Published: January 13, 2016

Prompt: Drusilla & The Color Green

13. Chapter 13 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 29 Comments: 17 Word Count: 609 Hit Count: 916 Published: January 13, 2016

Prompt: Spuffy & Coming Home

Don't forget to read chapters 9-12 first! They're all new ;)