Summary: Instead of dying in the hellmouth, Spike finds himself thrown unceremoniously back into the past.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Series: The Ocean Echoing
Categories: Pre-Series, Season 7, Time Travel
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 918 Hit Count: 3,615 ePub Downloads: 89
Published: August 26, 2015 Updated: August 26, 2015

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

Story Notes: Unbeta'd but I would love constructive crit regardless. This is the first part of an intended series of shortfic and vignettes.
Disclaimer: written for love, not money.

1. Chapter 1 by the_moonmoth - Likes: 62 Comments: 38 Word Count: 918 Hit Count: 3,616 Published: August 26, 2015

Someone asked me what home was and all I could think of were the stars on the tip of your tongue, the flowers sprouting from your mouth, the roots entwined in the gaps between your fingers, the ocean echoing inside of your ribcage. – E. E. Cummings