Runner Up: Sinister Award, Spike Through The Heart Awards
Artists: None
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Rape (Implied), Torture (Physical), Violence
Completed: Yes Chapters: 9
Word count: 12,230 Hit Count: 14,255 ePub Downloads: 103
Published: February 17, 2015 Updated: February 17, 2015
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If you are not into dark fic, do not read this and then flame me for it.
All characters are the property of Joss and M.E. and other people who could sue the pants off of me, but the story is all mine.
1. Left Behind by Irishrose - Likes: 12 Comments: 6 Word Count: 1,073 Hit Count: 2,378 Published: February 17, 2015
WARNING! DARK fic, like 90% dark chocolate dark, not the yummy 70% dark. If you don't do dark, do NOT proceed.
2. Discoveries by Irishrose - Likes: 11 Comments: 4 Word Count: 583 Hit Count: 1,481 Published: February 17, 2015
3. Stupid Vampire Senses by Irishrose - Likes: 9 Comments: 3 Word Count: 561 Hit Count: 1,496 Published: February 17, 2015
4. Retribution by Irishrose - Likes: 9 Comments: 4 Word Count: 1,473 Hit Count: 1,532 Published: February 17, 2015
5. Injuries by Irishrose - Likes: 10 Comments: 3 Word Count: 1,042 Hit Count: 1,436 Published: February 17, 2015
6. Dealing by Irishrose - Likes: 11 Comments: 4 Word Count: 2,309 Hit Count: 1,461 Published: February 17, 2015
7. Moving On by Irishrose - Likes: 10 Comments: 2 Word Count: 951 Hit Count: 1,338 Published: February 17, 2015
8. Waking Dreams by Irishrose - Likes: 13 Comments: 4 Word Count: 3,716 Hit Count: 1,481 Published: February 17, 2015
9. Endings and Beginnings by Irishrose - Likes: 17 Comments: 8 Word Count: 522 Hit Count: 1,651 Published: February 17, 2015