**Wonderful banner by nmcil! Thank you so much!

1. Part 1 by SoaringClaws - Likes: 21 Comments: 21 Word Count: 2,918 Hit Count: 2,351 Published: April 22, 2014
Hi guys! It's my first posted story ever! This is going to be done in 3 parts, which are currently being run through my final editing processes (aka my husband is answering a thousand questions about what order things should go in and whether he likes a line of dialogue. Thanks, honey!). I've really loved being a part of this community for the past year, so I hope you guys enjoy my little contribution to our Spuffy family.
Story Notes: The scenes in this are disjointed and bounce around in time. There will be some confusion when reading, I'm sure, but reading further will clear up the timeline and characters that are introduced. Also, there is a warning for character death for a reason! However, I hate tragedy, so you can expect everything to turn out pretty well.
Thanks for checking my story out, and enjoy Only Ever In Dreams.
2. Part 2 by SoaringClaws - Likes: 13 Comments: 12 Word Count: 5,596 Hit Count: 1,626 Published: May 05, 2014
This part was almost done when I posted part 1, I promise. Unfortunately, I have a short attention span and let it sit unfinished. This is the longest part, because I just couldn't break up the scenes any other way. So, extra long reading for you today! Yay!
Thank you to everyone who read and to everyone who reviewed. I get giddy just looking at the read count, and I loved hearing what everyone who reviewed was thinking about. You are all loved!
3. Part 3 by SoaringClaws - Likes: 30 Comments: 21 Word Count: 4,411 Hit Count: 2,832 Published: November 12, 2014
It's finally done! Woah! I completely admire all of the wonderful authors on here who have written stories and/or are working on their stories regularly. This has been my own personal adventure and trial since I am a flake extraordinaire. Struggling through my own piece has just given me a whole new appreciation for the hard work that writers put in to produce the stories that I love to consume. I'm still chugging away on some of my other stories, but it will likely be a long time before you see any of them.
Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed, and to our wonderful admins on EF that hold together this community. Also, special thanks and recognition to nmcil who created a lovely banner for me. You're all wonderful!
I'll be posting my playlist for the story at the end. My playlists are a major part of my writing process, so it felt important to share it. If you want to listen while you read, here's the link to my Spotify playlist. There aren't specific songs for scenes or anything, it's more about mood setting, so enjoy as you see fit.