Artists: None
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 6,397 Hit Count: 739 ePub Downloads: 23
Published: December 06, 2009 Updated: December 09, 2009
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1. Stranger Things Have Happened by DSDragon - Likes: 3 Comments: 1 Word Count: 6,397 Hit Count: 739
I think that this was my first-ever Buffy fic (and my second-ever fanfic--the first was a Star Trek movie-verse fic). At the time, it was not beta-read, and having it beta'd now seems a moot point. However, since my writing has improved dramatically over the years, I did give it a tiny polish before posting. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation should therefore be okay; I don't make any promises about characterization or style though. :)
Rating: Watch BtVS? You can read this, although whether or not you would want to is a different story.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (DUH)
Summary: A goofy, almost-plotless response to my own challenge posted at the Crumbling Walls Forum. Willow is conspicuously absent, except in conversation . . . I like to think she's recovering from her magic addiction by staying away from the people who might need magical services. (The story IS set after "Wrecked," after all . . .) Please wait until AFTER you read the story to read the challenge itself!
Disclaimer: I don't own the Buffy-verse . . . sniffle . . . Or Billy Idol . . . sigh . . . oh well . . . The title for this fic comes from the song "Stranger" by Lili Haydn, parts of which are quoted later on. The math trick mentioned in Chapters I and II is a trick I learned from my own AP Calculus teacher, in the 2000-2001 school year at Frederick High School, Ms. Kerslake. And I don't own Dawson's Creek, either . . . not that I would want to.
Spoilers: Set after "Wrecked," but any episodes before that are fair game.
Special Thanks: To my sister, Blonde Moment #5,168, for starting that fic in the first place. Without it, there wouldn't have been a challenge. :)
Distribution: Just tell me where it's going.
Feedback: Hate it in musical equipment, love it in writing.