Summary: A son of Spike is dangerously fragile and Momma Buffy is dangerously protective : Light hearted fluff
Will's Papa by redwulf50 [G]
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Artists: None
Series: The TUG verse :P
Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Original Characters, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 4,419 Hit Count: 1,936 ePub Downloads: 76
Published: October 28, 2006 Updated: October 28, 2006
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Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Original Characters, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 4,419 Hit Count: 1,936 ePub Downloads: 76
Published: October 28, 2006 Updated: October 28, 2006
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1. Chapters all by redwulf50 - Likes: 5 Comments: 5 Word Count: 4,419 Hit Count: 1,936
Special thanks to the Tam monster for the beta