Summary: Life's a bitch then you die... or do you??

Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Time Travel, Season 1, Post-Series
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Cordelia, Darla, Dawn, Giles, Harmony, Jenny Calendar, Joyce, Original Characters, Other, Oz, Spike, Whistler, William, Willow, Xander
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dramedy, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Attempted Rape, Character Death, Sexual Situations, Torture (Physical), Violence
Completed: No Chapters: 5
Word count: 16,825 Hit Count: 7,041 ePub Downloads: 61
Published: November 05, 2006 Updated: July 14, 2007

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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1. Chapter 1 by redwulf50 - Likes: 5 Comments: 5 Word Count: 1,024 Hit Count: 2,122

2. Chapter 2 by redwulf50 - Likes: 4 Comments: 1 Word Count: 5,109 Hit Count: 1,458

3. Chapter 3 by redwulf50 - Likes: 3 Comments: 1 Word Count: 4,850 Hit Count: 1,203

4. Chapter 4 by redwulf50 - Likes: 3 Comments: 1 Word Count: 3,976 Hit Count: 1,115

5. Chapter 5 by redwulf50 - Likes: 14 Comments: 11 Word Count: 1,866 Hit Count: 1,143
Thanks to the ever glorious Tam for the beta. :P