The Flowers of Evil (Title up to the author) by VoronaFiernan +3
Responses: 1
Categories: Taboo - Adults Only, Artwork, Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Between Seasons (any), Post-Series, Crossover (AtS), Crossover (Books or TV shows outside Buffyverse), Wishverse, Alternate Reality, Canon-Compliant, Vignettes, Episode Rewrite, Missing Scene, Challenge Response, Time Travel, Historical, All Human, High Fantasy, Claim, Drabbles, Political/Protest, Poetry, Song Fic, International Fics
Characters: None

So, this is a pretty broad challenge - you can  basically do what you want.  The only requirement is some connection to Charles Baudelaire's poetry from the collection Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil).  You can have a story based on a particular poem, have a character talk about Baudelaire or about a specific poem (maybe in Season 4 it's part of Buffy's poetry class).  Basically find a way to integrate Baudelaire or one of his poems into your Spuffy story.  Or could even be an art prompt: take one of his poems and illustrate it with Spuffy in some way.

Summary: Being a teenager's tough. It's even worse when your mom's a slayer, your dad's a vampire, and they seem to have made it their mission to redefine helicopter parenting just because you're blind. What's a girl to do? As Daisy Summers figures it, if they won't give her an opportunity to prove herself, she'll do it by force.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: Doublemeat Palace, Kittyfantastico
Artists: cd85