whatever you want to call it. by killjoy +6
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Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Ensemble

A bit AU where Angel may have taken over Wolfram and Hart but the battle with the Senior Partner's army never happened....nor did Cordelia ever go into a coma and die.....those things never happened. I would say Spike did go be a ghost and later work there for a bit...this would explain why he and Angel no longer hate each other in the challenge.

Okay....the idea is that it's a bit after the BTVS ending. Spike after his time with Angel is back with Buffy and they're happy. Of course that's when we know things will go bad.

Buffy is either hit with a spell or hit in the head really bad. She's knocked out for a long bit of time. She comes too but the problem is something is blocking her memories so bad she thinks she's back in the season two time frame or three time frame. Most importantly where the only feelings she has for Spike is the fact she hates him!

This new Buffy can't fathom the fact that she was in a relationship with Spike and not Angel. She also has a hard time with learning her mom's dead and Sunnydale no longer exist.....plus there's multi slayers running around.

Of course Spike is upset with all of this.

Ideas I had......

Buffy shocked when she either finds out from someone or goes to see for herself.....that not only is Angel in LA(Not with her) and he's happy in a relationship with Cordelia. Remember this is season two Buffy where her world all revolved around Angel.

The injury to her keeps the Dawn memory spell from working so Buffy has no memory of Dawn.

Buffy shocked watching Spike and Xander happily playing pool together, Giles and Spike watching a soccer/football game together shouting at the tv and Spike helping to make Willow feel better when Tara's birthday comes around(even if Buffy has no clue who Tara was) Angel and Spike getting along and having fun with some stupid astronauts caveman argument