Here I Go Again by DownWithDumbles +29
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Categories: Claim, Pre-Series, Time Travel, Post-Series, Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7
Characters: Buffy, Drusilla, Joyce, Spike

Starts several years post ‘Chosen’ & ‘NFA’ NO COMICS

Beacause of Angel’s actions with world is going to shit but no one realises until they can’t do anything to fix it. Due to the resurrection spell or the slayer activation spell (or both) Buffy can’t die or age (or she just doesn’t stay dead). She doesn’t know about Spike until it’s too late, she finds out the Scoobies did. This is the straw that breaks the camel’s back and cause her to split off from them. They try to find her but can’t, Buffy now has tattoos, one of which prevents harmful magic/magic with ill intent from be cast on her.

Buffy starts drinking (Jack Daniel’s) and smoking (saying “not like they’ll kill me” to feel closer to Spike. She becomes friends with Dru. How and why is up to you, could be that the powers have sent Dru a vision or something. The Powers want to send Buffy back in time to when she was first Called to prevent what is happening now. She agrees but sets some conditions, the 1st one being that she wants a way to make school easier for her to pass so she can concentrate on the supernatural without Joyce always on her case. The Powers give her access to the memories and abilities of the slayers that came before her and the ones that are currently active now. The 2nd condition is that she goes back before she was called to when she was 10 or 11, she’ll still be the Slayer but wants some time to get accustomed to the new abilities she has access to (e.g. magic that she has to learn to control) the Powers agree and Buffy wakes up in her preteen body.

The Council can’t find Buffy until Merrick or Giles (the magic prevention tattoo came back with her, whether her immortality did as well is your choice if it does she keeps aging until she’s 19-21 or so) how they realise she’s the Slayer is up to you. They could see her slaying or Buffy could go introduce herself. With access to other Slayers’ memories Buffy doesn’t really need a Watcher until she gets to Sunnydale, but she does need to train. Buffy convinces her parents to let her take gymnastics, first aid and self defence/mixed martial arts classes. Also thanks to the memories she is now seen as a bit of a prodigy and as a teen has started long distance college/university course(s) whether the course(s) are Buffy’s, her parents’ or the school’s idea is up to you, but I’d love to see Buffy get a degree in something when she’d had to drop out of college to care for Joyce and Dawn.

Angel must see her on the steps of Hemery and behave as he did in canon. Buffy realises that the first time around he was grooming her to be exactly how he wanted her to be as his ‘reward from the Powers’. Buffy still burns down the gym to take down Lothos and his vamps, thus ending up in Sunnydale. Joyce believes Buffy when the supernatural is mentioned, therefore Buffy could also tell her about the time travel. Your choice if she befriends the scoobies or not, as is how/when she (temp) dies that results in Kendra’s calling. 

‘The Pack’ and ‘School Hard’ happen like canon, how/if any other canon events happen is up to you. Though Buffy DOES NOT sleep with Angel!

Spike and a weak Dru must arrive with Dru knowing about the future friendship she shares with Buffy. Buffy helps cure Dru because of that friendship and Spike (of course). Would like to see it continued in this timeline, how Spike and Dru split should be amicable with her encouraging him towards Buffy. Can be before or after arriving in Sunnydale.



Buffy and Tara are in the same classes at school and become friends.

Tara’s mom starts teaching Buffy magic (control, spells and ethics) as well as Tara. When magic is needed they work together.

Could even have Buffy telling Tara she’s not a demon and helping her build her confidence and helping her with her (male) family.

Joyce and Tara’s mom becoming friends and Joyce convincing her to divorce Tara’s dad and helping her through it. Tara’s mom does the same for Joyce when Hank’s cheating is discovered.

Tara joining Buffy in the self defence/MMA and first classes.

Both mother-daughter pairs move to Sunnydale and share a house, Buffy could suggest they get a house with extra bedrooms (one for Dawn if she’s not already there and one for Faith)



If Merrick shows up he dies before Buffy goes to Sunnydale or he and Giles work together with helping Buffy. They have their own areas of expertise e.g. Giles’ are dark magic, rituals and summonings, while Merrick’s are master vampires. This is so they both have something to bring to the table. 

Buffy confronting the scoobies about all the times they’ve betrayed her. Right back to Season 1 and Xander lying about the hyena and trying to rape her, calling him a hypocrite when he brings up the bathroom incident.

Buffy saying the following before storming out, slamming the door. “You don’t want me, you haven’t wanted me since you ripped me out of Heaven! You want the fucking ‘Bot! Someone that will follow your orders with a smile on their face and no thoughts or opinions of their own. You want a weapon, a tool, something that you can take out of it’s box when needed and then forget about when its not. Well fuck you! I am not a weapon, or a tool, or a toy for you to play with and then discard. I may not have liked Travers, but at least he was honest about how he saw me. You all treat me worse than he EVER did and he tried have me KILLED!”

Buffy trying to come up with different ways to die and contemplating if they would work. E.g. bullet to the brain could cause temporary amnesia instead of killing her.

Spike and Dru bagging it, with human blood bags that the hospital can’t use.

Kendra dies, Calling Faith. Buffy helps Faith knowing her history thanks to the memories, Faith moves into the Summers household, with Joyce treating her the same as Buffy, maybe even adopting her, Faith learns what its like to have a family and to be loved and belong somewhere. Therefore there’s no dark/evil Faith.



The Council panicking about not being able to find The Slayer, if Buffy dies pre Sunnydale Tara is the one to give her CPR and Kendra’s Called. The council then (correctly) believe that an undiscovered potential was called and died. Travers saying it was a good thing because they have an obedient slayer, thus a disgusted Giles leaves saying that he will watch over the Sunnydale hellmouth. (explains why he’s there when Buffy shows up as the council don’t know she exists)

If Buffy befriends Willow and Xander she helps them learn actions have consequences. E.g. doesn’t let Xander get away with sweeping the hynea possessed attempted rape under the rug.

Flutie alive, maybe Snyder as the deputy principal was eaten in ‘The Pack’ instead.

Future Spike ending up in this timeline after splitting with Dru, if so Buffy finds out when she punches his nose for the 1st time. “Bloody hell Slayer! Why is it always the nose with you?” They will somehow need to resolve the “No you don’t, but thanks for saying it.” bullshit. Your choice if he has his soul or not.

Spike and Buffy Claiming each other.

Treasure of Amara being auctioned off to help Buffy/Joyce money wise, Buffy examines The Gem (and any other enchanted items) and is able to replicate the magic in/on it. Both Spike and Dru can then go into the sun.

Riley and Angel bashing.

Joyce surviving the brain surgery.