whatever you want to call it. by killjoy +17
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Categories: Crossover (Books or TV shows outside Buffyverse)
Characters: Ensemble

Buffy/Despicable Me

Before the Minions threw their lot in with Gru they traveled through Sunnydale and meet Spike! Over joyed the Minions threw their weight in behind the master vampire and his efforts too woo the Slayer!

As annoying and destructive as the Minions are Spike is a bit touched that someone actually cares for him. Plus the Minions ADORE Dawn(Tara also?) and cater to her every whim when she's with them. They also can NOT stand Riley and make his life miserable every chance they get(maybe Xander also).

Giles and Anya point out that the Watcher Council and the Demon world has known about the Minions for eons but have no clue what they are....and have learned that it's just best to stay out of their way.