Spike Saves Joyce, V2 (Author's Choice of Name) by Mia Vaan +31
Responses: 1
Categories: Episode Rewrite, Season 4, Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Faith Lehane, Joyce, Spike

Inspired by a scene from the fic A Child Born of Pain.

What if Spike had been visiting Joyce when Faith showed up? Spike would try and chase her off with words (calling himself the Slayer of Slayers and warning her away), but that wouldn't scare Faith.

What if he was forced to fight her in order to protect Joyce, with the chip firing the whole time?

He must win the fight, knocking Faith out. And Faith's switcharoo device needs to be destroyed.

What's Buffy's reaction when she gets there and finds that Spike nearly killed himself for real protecting her mother from harm? How will the others react?

Summary: When Faith tries to hold the Summer household hostage, she finds an unexpected defender who turns Buffy's perspectives on right and wrong upside-down.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Series: Season 4 Friendships
Categories: Challenge Response, Season 4, Alternate Reality, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Faith Lehane, Joyce, Riley Finn, Spike
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Violence
Challenges: Spike Saves Joyce, V2 (Author's Choice of Name)
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 2,386 Hit Count: 3,175 ePub Downloads: 57
Published: July 20, 2016 Updated: July 20, 2016