Nominee Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards
Best Drama, Best Original Character, Best Plot
I'm going baby crazy here and I want to read a story where there are children involve in makeing Spike and Buffy see they are meant for eachother.
The title is the author's choice
Must Have
Buffy/Spike finding/getting a child and taking care of it (can be permanent or not)
Child being no older than 6 and no younger than 1
Not trust either one or both, Willow or Xander
Can't have
The child can't be Buffy's or Spikes
Spike and Buffy can't be together from the start
The child can be anyone else (meaning they can babysit a family member)
Child can be vampire (not an evil one)
the Gem of Amara can be brought back for the Child or Spike
The child can be a girl whom love Spike (Daddy's little girl)
The child makes Spike and Buffy fall/ see they are in love with each other
Angel/Riley bashing both figuratively or literally