Summary: Set towards the end of S5 episode 'Family', Tara reverses the spell she cast on the Scooby Gang and there are some side effects.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 5
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Spike, Tara
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 2,983 Hit Count: 754 ePub Downloads: 33
Published: April 05, 2010 Updated: April 05, 2010

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

1. Out of Sight, Still in Mind - One Shot by elfin_miss - Likes: 13 Comments: 9 Word Count: 2,983 Hit Count: 754

This was written for the spuffy_wonder prompt of the month: blindness and was inspired by this beautiful fan video . I'm not really satisfied with the ending, but I can't really bring myself to change it, BUT I am starting to develop a follow-up story to this one to tie up some loose ends.

About the banner, it is a spoof of something. If you know what that something is I will laugh.

Big thanks to [info]amyxaphania  for beta-ing, [info]gigi_tastic  for test-reading and idea bouncing, and [info]tiger_bri_duck  for giving this a final edit. You guys all rock!

 Remember! Reviews are love and love make me write faster.